What's Happening

Open House 
Monday August 29th 
4:00pm -5:00pm
Come meet your teacher and see your new classroom on
Monday August 30th for Open House!

What's Happening

Coleman Students in The Call!
The Call

Kevin K. Coleman Important Back-to-School Information

School Office: 401-767-4859

School Nurse: 401-767-4655

Student Emergency Card: Please fill out and return the Student Emergency Form. It is important that we have current contact information. Please know that the persons listed on the form for emergency contacts are the only persons who the student will be released to at dismissal. 

Attendance: It is important that students attend school everyday and on time. Students who attend school regularly are more successful academically, socially, emotionally and are more likely to attend post-secondary schools and less likely to drop out of school. The responsibility for

attendance and academic success is shared by students, parents and guardians, schools, and the WED. Attendance and punctuality at school is mandatory according to Rhode Island state law. All students are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. Excused absences occur when a student is not present at school, but is temporarily excused. All students must present written documentation detailing the reason for any absence. When a student is absent due to illness for more than three consecutive school days, a note from a health care provider will be required upon the child’s return to school.

Tardy/Early Dismissal: Every instructional minute in our school day matters and is accounted for. It is critically important that students arrive on time and stay for the duration of the day. Students are marked Tardy if they arrive at school later than 9:20. In the event that a student will be picked-up by a person not listed on their emergency contact list, the school must be notified and the person must have a photo ID at dismissal. Any changes to any student’s dismissal must be communicated to the office by 2:45 that day. Per school policy, students will NOT be permitted early dismissal nor will dismissal changes be honored after 2:45.  Please keep in mind that instruction continues through 3:20. Chronic early dismissal accumulates to a significant loss of instruction which impacts student achievement overtime. 

Parking: There is no parking allowed in the school parking lot or in front of the school during Arrival/Dismissal. Please use the parking lot across from the schoolyard and the side streets everyday.  

Arrival: All students will arrive at 9:15. Kindergarten students will enter from their Classroom Door from the Schoolyard. All students grades 1-5 will enter from the Parking Lot Side Door. Students should not arrive at school before 8:55am and should come directly into the schoolyard. There is no adult supervision at the school before 8:55 am.

Cell Phones: Cell phones and individual electronic devices are not part of our curriculum or learning platform at Coleman Elementary School. All cell phones brought to school must remain turned off and stowed in the student’s backpack. If cell phones are used without prior approval during the school day, they will be confiscated and a parent will be required to pick up the cell phone in the main office. 

Breakfast & Lunch/Free or Reduced-Price Meal program: 

The WED provides healthy meals to students who are eligible. Families who may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals are encouraged to submit a school lunch meal application. Questions regarding the free or reduced-price meal program should be directed to the Woonsocket Food Service Office at (401) 767-4757